Inspections start at $395.00
Mold/Moisture Inspection
Colorado has a very dry climate and you wouldn't expect mold or moisture to be an issue, right? WRONG! Mold and moisture problems are prevalent in our area. Due to the extreme temperature differential in our homes between the heated moist indoor air and the cold outside air during the heating season, condensation in ceilings and walls can cause mold. In addition to mold, other moisture issues from melting snow, torrential thunderstorms, or even improper drainage from sprinklers can cause moisture or mold issues.
Indoor Air Quality is very important to homeowners. Allergens, Dust and Pollen can wreak havoc on a person with sensitivities to indoor air pollutants. We can test you home for common allergens like; mold spores, pollen, insect parts, skin cell fragments, fibers (e.g. asbestos, fiberglass, cellulose, clothing fibers, etc.) and inorganic particulate e.g. ceramic, fly ash, copy toner, etc.). We use a nationally accredited and certified laboratory to analyze samples and provide an independent report which we include with our report.
We abide by and follow the IAC2 Standard Operating Procedures for Mold and Moisture Intrusion